My Tech Ramblings
A friend of mine has been looking for a simple blogging platform that is friendly to technical writers who want to display code snippets & whatnot. I stumbled across the tool named Jekyll which is apparently the base for static pages hosted on GitHub Pages. Jekyll is great, but it requires a good bit of web developer/designer chops to get setup just right. In an effort to find something that shielded me from all the web developer/designer stuff I wasn’t interested in I came across Jekyll Bootstrap which seems to scaffold a lot of that for me.
Well, quite simply, I just want to do some simple blogging with a plain text editor (like my favorite, Vim) and manage the whole thing with Git. I also don’t want to be bothered with hosting my own server and managing all that. Finally, I’m incredibly cheap so free appeals to me a great deal!
Here’s a little bit of GPIO Zero for all the haters out there…
#!/usr/bin/env python
from gpiozero import LED
led = LED(17)
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